Gabriele Steindl: Professional Kitesurfer & Freelance Writer - Action, Lifestyle & Travels

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Weather in W.A. going nuts..!?

Weather in W.A. going nuts..!?

Yo mates, apologies for my long blog-absence but honestly:  nothing really 2 report from W.A. apart from the fact that the weather is going a b s o l u t e l y  NUTS !?

Yeah, the last 10 days, we had a winter-attack, lots-a-heavy-rain last week plus   –    you will not believe this but it’s true !!!  –   one morning, we even had a full on hale-shower coming through, yeah, insane, would have never believed that there is such a thing like hale on the West coast of Australia in summer !?.  Now is back to more pleasant temperatures without any wind, though… 🙁

Anyway, where there is hale and rain, there is also a m a z i n g  sunsets  –    not always but often 🙂    and with this really beautiful one, I’m waiting for better kite conditions and use to time to catch up on stuff on the computer…
So long,
Yours Gabi

POSTED IN : travels

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