Today the first snow fell in Vienna and although I’m currently super busy on my computer writing articles about my latest trips and adventures, I decided to take some off and to check out some of Vienna’s Christmas markets – in Viennese: “Christkindlmärkte” – in the beautiful old city centre. Yeah, I picked up my mum and off we went, wooooow, so nice… Vienna is beautiful, it’s crowed like crazy with tourists right now but when you’re a local, you know the ‘insider’-markets to check out 😉
Oh man, beautiful lights, Christmas trees+deco, lovely smells, music and candles everywhere, so romantic !! … there’s also loads of weird sh§%t at the markets like wild food and huge amounts of schnapps 🙂
Hehehehehe, I have to admit I had one ‘Glühmost’ (hot mould apple wine) with “Schuss” (engl : lacing), thus with a shot of fruit schnapps. Yummy, sweet and strong as !
And regardless of the freezing cold, me and my mum had a true JOY Vienna X-Mas market-tour, something I haven’t done in years, sweet ! … now back on the computer, it’s Sunday evening almost midnight… will turn off the machine very soon…
Enjoy the photo impressions in the gallery (sorry about the lack of ‘white’, yep, unfortunately the snow didn’t really stay for very long…) & have fun !