I had the great pleasure yesterday to speak at the Cape Naturaliste College in front of an absolutely amazing bunch of 32 girls (class year 10). Topic of my speech: Living your dreams and our power to realise anything we want in life — living your passions and listing to your heart.
I presented my life to the girls and how I evolved from growing up in landlocked Austria, via a business career in London and Hong Kong, to leaving it all behind in exchange for a childhood dream…and succeeding. You can find my little story in my Bio, if you’re curious 🙂 .
On the basis of my very personal “real life case study” of the past 15 years which has confirmed to me that dreams can become reality when you really believe in them, when you follow the voice of your heart without any fear and when you’re prepared to work really hard for them, I’m hoping to be planting seeds to live a more fulfilling, happy life 🙂 !
The formula: Dream, Believe, Commit — Become.
I’m highly gratefully for this opportunity and it’s been a beautiful privilege trying to inspire the girls of the Cape Naturaliste College!
Hoping for many more speeches like this to come.
Thank you girls, you were amazing 🙂 !!!
Gabi x ….Friday, the 13th was my lucky day after all, yew!