Gabriele Steindl: Professional Kitesurfer & Freelance Writer - Action, Lifestyle & Travels

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Girls Spezial !

Girls Spezial !

For all the kitechicks amongst u and of course the blokes as well,   –  THE German kitemag  – has something very special in store for you in this months issue: it’s the annual “GIRLS SPECIAL”, so u better get down to the nearest newsagent and get urself a copy !!!

In the mag, you’ll find loads of interesting features  –  and once again, interesting for both sexes 😉  !  plus, I reckon, guys always like to look at some amazing action + lifestyle shots of chicks who rip, don’t u 😉 !  –  amongst them an 8 page interview with the Triple Worldchamp in Wavekiting, conducted by myself with my team-mate from the UK: Kirsty Jones. The feature is titled “Mistress of the Ocean” and gives a thorough insight into the life of a multiple Worldchamp, the pro-scene, competitions, projects of totally different nature and so much more…

So don’t miss out folks, off u go and check it out yourself !!!

Have fun girls + boyz &  I’ld love to hear from u with ur feedback,
Urs Gabi