I’m clocking out guys! It’s time for my annual outback mission…waves in the desert, camping, snakes, sharks, sea breezes, lots of fishing… nobody around and no internet, niiiiice a bit of digital detox is healthy 😉 Catch you when I’m back with lots of stories. Stay tuned & kite safely !! Yeeeeeeeeeew Gabi xx
COVERSHOT 🤘 — The April issue of Action Asia magazine, Asia’s & Australasia’s No.1 adventure travel resource has hit newsagents all across the globe. I’m stoked having a huuuuuuge feature inside the mag about a recent explorer mission to an incredibly special place. Plus, I scored the cover!! 🙌😄 (first ever “not kiting” cover of […]
I’m so very sorry for the long silence guys… I went through super tough, dark times… the saddest days of my life. My dad passed away on the 30th of November and I lost the ground beneath my feet. For the ones who follow me on Instagram, I wrote a little bit about my emotions […]
Hey guys, I’m aware I’ve been r e a l l y slack on my website recently – I’m sorry !!! Not an apology, but a kind of explanation for my long absence: First I went on a epic pioneering-explorer-adventure in September — stay tuned for articles in the mags in early 2019!! And then, […]
IT’S OFFICIAL !!! It’s a sensation. Nothing like this has ever happened before… Not in the kiting industry, not in any other industry. I’m super stoked and proud to be part of it. The only constant thing in life is change. The times, the conditions, everything is in motion. Only the destination stays the same: […]
Hot off the press: “Chile Buena Onda”, my latest travel article. The Kiteboarder US mag (TKB) has just published it on 12 pages — stoked!! Chile is  S U C H an amazing place. Even more so, if you’re a wave-frother like I am 🙂  But there’s so much more to this country… I had […]
Woohooooo, pretty stoked to see my very latest “travel-baby” on 12 pages in issue #125 of Germany’s leading kiteboarding magazine! I won’t tell you the destination, that would be spoiling the fun! But I can tell you that I had to jump on a few planes from Oz…totally worth it though 🙂 I found some […]
This time of the year is for most of us pretty mad (although it should be the complete opposite!), I suppose that’s how the Western world rolls. The good news is, however, that in all the craziness everyone has the power to do things differently. In between all the family commitments, shopping, eating and celebrating […]
S T O K E D  ..again  🙂  Another amazing feature about my recent trip to a super special country way off the beaten kiting-track… On 12 pages, The Kiteboarder Mag US is covering my latest adventure, yew! I don’t wanna spoil the fun and won’t say anymore, only: get yourself a copy of the mag, […]
W O W. Always giving 1000% on all my explorer-trips and only working with top photographers, usually pays off and I’m stoked that my articles normally get published on pretty freakin’ huge page spread! 14 pages in Germany’s leading magazine, however, doesn’t happen every day and feels like a “trophy” for my hard work 🙂 Yeah no doubt, […]