Gabriele Steindl: Professional Kitesurfer & Freelance Writer - Action, Lifestyle & Travels

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Some far away, dream magic place…

Some far away, dream magic place…

W O W, those 3 simple letters is all I can say…  yep, no words, I’m a b s o l u t e l y  overwhelmed.  If you guys could see where I currently am…. W O W.   I know folks, the 3-letter word isn’t the most sophisticated one, still I will just leave it at that…

As I already have notified you im my last blog, I’m currently on a mission at an extremely special, super remote destination and it’s in fact highly surprising that I found an internet connection just now 🙂   I can only stay for 3 more minutes online, though, a boat to an island is calling for me, thus just wanted to send u guys this shot & hope it will make up for another good 2 weeks of no news or blog updates…sorry !

I’m in a land that’s almost hundred years back in time and have to admit, it actually feels strange trying to type something up 4 u in such a rush when I actually already could write a whole adventure-novel on this trip.  Eventually I will, that’ a promise, for now I’m sending u this sunrise wth luv from a very special place.

Enjoy & take care for now,
till soon

POSTED IN : travels

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