Huff, after a 32 hours journey, pretty much from one side of the World to the other, I’ve arrived well back home in Vienna for the first time in almost one year…
3 planes, lots-of-rather disgusting plane food and a couple of tranquilizing glasses of vino, I have to admit, I’m pretty stoked arriving in Vienna in the afternoon of Friday the 13th. yep, wasn’t too impressed with myself after I realized that I had booked myself onto this monster-journey on a Friday the 13th, especially after having been on a rather unlucky patch lately anyway… and having just survived a rather heavy car crash, flying on friday the 13th was perhaps pushing it a bit… only if one is supersticious, though, right 🙂
My trip from Perth, Western Australia that took me via Singapore and Frankfurt back home to ‘lovely’, greeeeey Vienna…
So now I’m in drizzly Vienna, staring outside the window, I do have to admit, it all feels rather weired…
In any case, that’s also part of the job and I do have several important meetings and committments here over the next few weeks. Luckily I got a last sick session in before departing W.A. that loaded me with energy to go through this grey city-obligation-stress of the weeks to come… Yeah, sweet swell rolled onto the coats of W.A. and Margaret River went off. I was lucky and had 2 mates on a jet-ski coming out to one of the breaks, will post u pics over the next couple of days !
Stay tuned folks & have fun
urs gabi