Gabriele Steindl: Professional Kitesurfer & Freelance Writer - Action, Lifestyle & Travels

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Wallpaper November 2010

For this month’s FREE WALLPAPER, I have chosen yet another shot by Jason Pini, my dear friend and absolutely incredible photographer over in Port Moresby, Papua Newguinea.

I had the pleasure to be working with Jason on my once-in-a-lifetime-journey to Papua Newguinea!  Several articles about this dream-adventure have already been published, this November look out in the only just freshly released latest issue #48 of KITEWORLD MAG for my story 🙂    In the summary of contents the editor describes the feature as: “Globe trotting freerider and ex-World Cup rider Gabi Steindl loves nothing more than finding insane kiteboarding in the most remote places. Her report from Papua New Guinea will inspire, while the shots from Jason Pini will leave a tingle down your spine.”.

Furthermore the Kiteworld-team calls issue #48 as “really special in terms of optical delights”, so down with u 2 the nearest newsagent and get urself a copy 🙂 !

For your FREE WALLPAPER, just simply scroll down and select the right resolution for ur screen or gadget, press ‘download’ and off u go   –  Enjoy !

All for all previously released wallpapers, simply check my “Goodies Blog Section”.

Have fun & carpe diem guys!

select your screen resolution and download your wallpaper