Gabriele Steindl: Professional Kitesurfer & Freelance Writer - Action, Lifestyle & Travels

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New blog category: SOULWAVE !!

New blog category: SOULWAVE !!

Yesyesyes guys, I’ stoked to announce that I have added a new category to my blog listing. Under the title ‘Soulwave’ I would like to share with you pretty much ‘what’s going on in my head’, my philosohpies on life, the energy that Mother Nature provides us with, the ‘Mana of the Ocean’, the amazing ‘miracles’ that can can suddenly strike you simply by follwoing your intuition and heart…and more.

Yes for sure, ‘talk’ of different nature than purely kitekitekite but my ‘wave of life’ and essence to happiness & seeing dreams come true pretty regularily 😉 !  Today is the 11.11. I reckon, we all have memories to that day 7 years ago. I remember almost like yesterday when I saw the (in that moment) totally unreal pictures on CNN on my little TV in my tiny but really cozy Chinese appartment way up the 16th floor of a skyscraper in downtown Soho, Hong Kong island. I was on the phone to a friend in London and was like “mate, please turn on CNN, no way, I don’t have a clue what’s happening there but that’s crazy sh$/’.

Anyway, that’s not the point I want to make, ‘that’ point would take years if I only go into that subject. No for ‘my story’ the point is, shortly thereafter I decided to leave everything behind and to follow my intutition and go with my heart or in other words: to live my dreams! My life has changed 360 degrees since… and yes everything is possible in life as long as u truly believe in it !!  Check out all the categories in ‘MY BIO’ if you want to know about my ‘drastic life move’ back then …

By the way, some of my philosophies and attitudes on life and the world can also be found on the ‘detail pages’ of the photos in my gallery.  Just click on the respective titles and you will be redirected.

Watch out for blogs to come… enjoy & I look forward to ur feedback,